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      Goddess-First products are available online ONLY to subscribers for 1 year and are delivered at no additional cost for quarterly rewards. If you are not a subscriber, you can obtain Goddess-First rewards either by tracking down a copy from J.R. Thorn in person at a book signing she is attending, or, by waiting out the 1-year hold period before this product is made available to the public. 

      Items not yet past the 1-year hold period will show a "0" inventory and increased price listing. Goddess Subscribers get these rewards for no additional cost past the low monthly subscriber fee.

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      Buy Direct, Own Your eBook

      When you buy an eBook through a major retailer, you are buying a license, one that can be taken away at any moment! Ever hear those horror stories of devices losing all their eBooks? That won't happen when you buy direct from the author. When you buy direct, you OWN the product! Plus, buying direct supports the author rather than a behemoth retailer. Win-win!